The Importance of Higher Education Skills will be analysed in this report by analysing three higher education skills. Attending higher education requires every student to have certain skills and capabilities to cope with the education system and environment. Note-taking skills, self-organization skills, time management skills, teamwork skills, academic reading skills, and finally, presentation skills all play equally important roles in creating an effective learning environment in the classroom as well as being prepared to better equip for professional lives. Note-taking skills play a vital role in effective learning because it helps students to better learn and concentrate on the issues and topics. Students should learn effective techniques for note-taking. Self-organization and time management build the habit of making timely and appropriate plans and help students to finish assigned jobs in a timely manner. This is vital also to finish jobs in the professional lives. Presentation skills build the capabilities among students to make well-explained and visualized presentations for audiences, it enhances leadership and negotiation skills. This report will assess the importance of three skills important for success in higher education: time management skills and presentation skills. Finally, a conclusion will be provided, summarizing the whole report.
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Importance of Note-taking skills
It refers to writing down or recoding key information with their brief meaning from different sources such as in classes, a meeting, a video documentary etc. (Nelson et al., 2012). In the education sector, note-taking in classes means writing down key information from lectures. Notes should not be detailed, or a student should not write all the lectures delivered by lectures. Evans (2013) suggested that students should write only the key points and should keep some blank space so that they can add information later on. Note-taking plays an important role for students for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps students to understand the concepts, and issues in the classroom (Kift, Nelson, & Clarke, 2010). It is very beneficial to grow interested in the classes and to improve concentration. Secondly, note-taking helps students to make preparation for exams and to be better learners because when students concentrate on teachers’ lectures on issues, it helps them to better learn and understand details in the book later on.

Importance of Time management skills:
It refers to understanding the time limitations and making appropriate plans to execute and finish the jobs or study within the timeline (Gregory & Thorley, 2013). Time management is important both for an executive and for a student. Time management is, in fact, more important for students because they get the opportunity to grow the habit of making effective execution plans and finishing it on time. As a result, this habit helps them to practise the same in their professional lives. Time management skills help students to learn better time because they can finish their studies timely; they can complete their assignments, reports, and essays timely; they can prepare and present for the presentation timely. All these issues play an important roles for every student.
Importance of Presentation Skills:
Presentation skills refer to presenting a topic or assigned issues in some technical method to the audience accompanied by verbal and visual communication (Wilkins, Balakrishnan, & Huisman, 2012). A student needs to attend many formal and informal presentation sessions during education life; such presentation builds the background of better presentation skills to be utilized in professional lives. Therefore, presentation skills play a significant role for all students in higher education. Presentation skills help a student think critically to present a certain topic in a convincing manner in a convenient way, such as PPT. It improves students’ management and critical decision-making capability by making people understand.
A student wishing to successfully equip himself in higher education should have certain skills and capabilities which will differentiate him from others. Note-taking skill is one of them; it implies that a student should have the expertise to write down key topics and their meaningful definitions while listening to the lectures. Note-taking skills help students to concentrate better on lectures and learn the topics carefully. Time management is another skill required for effective higher education; it means making a proper execution plan and finally completing the jobs in a timely manner. Time management skill is one of the most potential skills for every student because it helps students to grow their habit of making a plan and executing them plan in a timely manner. Finally, presentation skill implies having the capability to compile a convincing presentation with visualization and delivering the presentation in a convincing manner. Such skill helps students grow interpersonal skills, convincing and negotiation skills.
Evans, C. (2013). Making sense of assessment feedback in higher education. Review of educational research, 83(1), 70-120.
Gregory, R., & Thorley, L. (Eds.). (2013). Using group-based learning in higher education. Routledge.
Kift, S. M., Nelson, K. J., & Clarke, J. A. (2010). Transition pedagogy: a third generation approach to FYE: a case study of policy and practice for the higher education sector. The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, 1(1), 1-20.