Abortions in the UK have increased greatly, and it is becoming a key social issue to talk about. Facts and figures about the issue will be stated in this report. Abortion is the process of ending a pregnancy, and t can be done in two ways such as surgery to bring out the embryo and placenta from the uterus and other is having pills that remove the embryo and placenta from the uterus through bleeding (Britannica, 2020). The number of abortions is increasing across the UK and making higher records than in past times. The facts and figures of abortions, risks of abortions, factors that encourage women to do abortions and UK laws about abortion have been analysed in this research. The UK laws about abortion have been also analysed and the ways of avoiding abortion have been demonstrated. To enhance the acceptability of this research, research methodology has been done. The reasons for conducting the research have also been evaluated here.
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Facts and figures about abortion in the UK:
The number of abortions is increasing in the UK day by day. In 2018, 200,608 resident women and 205,295 non-residents women did abortion (ABORT73.COM, 2020). The number of abortions has increased to 4% in 2018 than the number of abortions done in 2017 and it was the year with the highest abortion number (ABORT73.COM, 2020). Merseyside (20.0), Greater Manchester (19.7) and London (19.8) belong to higher the place where abortion rates are higher, and Derbyshire (13.0), Bath, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire (12.6), and East Anglia (13.2) belong to the place of lower abortion rate in the UK (ABORT73.COM, 2020). 1,053 women travelled to England from Northern Ireland to have abortions in 2018 and the number of these women increased in past years (Independent, 2020). Abortion is banned in Northern Ireland which is the reason for the increased abortion number of Northern Ireland women in the UK. 56% abortion of 2018 was done because the women had one or more previous pregnancies means the women had aborted most who were already mothers (Independent, 2020). Abortion is increasing among older women, and abortion among young women is reducing. The women who became pregnant because of rape are forced to have abortions and it is also increasing the rate of abortion. Some abortions are done for valid reasons such as a mother’s life is in danger, a foetus cannot survive outside of the womb etcetera.

Risk of abortions:
Abortions can be done through surgery or pill but both the way may cause serious problems for women’s bodies. The complication rate for early abortion is 1% and 2% for later abortion (Foundations of Life, 2020). Heavy bleeding may start because of abortion which becomes tough to control and goes on for some days. It makes the patient weaker, and heavy bleeding may bring death also. Abortion can cause infection and it takes a long time to prevent the infection (Sisson, and Kimport, 2016). The infection can become cancer in future and has no cure. Abortion can damage internal organs also. Even abortion may become the reason for breast cancer. The patient can die while doing the abortion but the rate of death during an abortion is very low. The woman who aborts may give preterm birth for her future pregnancies. There are many more physical risks of abortion such as cervix damage, uterus perforation, scarring of the uterine lining and many other diseases (Foundations of Life, 2020). Abortion has psychological and emotional impacts on women’s health besides the physical impacts. Women may go under depression because of the abortion she has done, and they may feel guilt because of killing their baby. They may start abusing alcohol and drug to forget the abortion. Some women may face suicidal thoughts, flashbacks of abortion, spiritual consequences and many other psychological problems.
Reasons for abortion:
There are many reasons why women do abortions. Controlling family size is one of the most common reasons of abortion. They do not want to make the family size bigger and the time they conceive is not appropriate for their point of view. Poverty and economic reasons are other common reasons for abortion because they cannot afford a child. In both developed and undeveloped countries’ women do abortions for poverty (Francome, 2017). If women of too young age become pregnant, parents or partner forces them to have an abortion because they will not be able to handle it. Like too young age, older age is also risky for the health of pregnant women; therefore, many women take the step. Unmarried girls who conceive are forced to have abortions because families and their partners pressure them to do that. Unmarried pregnant girls are not accepted by society and it compels them to have an abortion. Sometimes partners compel women to have an abortion because the partner does not want a baby (Berg, 2017). Women do not have the power to bear the baby without the permission of a male partner. Mental or physical problems influence women’s decisions and motivate them to abort the baby because the pregnancy may have a dangerous impact on the pregnant women’s health and the chance of survival of the baby is also low. Many girls conceive after being raped, and they also abort because the pregnancy is the memory of the cursed moment of their life.
Laws about abortion in the UK:
UK Abortion Act 1967 allows abortion in Scotland, England and Wales if women are pregnant within 23 weeks and six days (MARIE STOPES UK, 2020). If women have abortions within the period they have less risk for the heath of pregnant women. Women of Scotland, Wales and England may abort at any time, if pregnant women have a life risk or fatal abnormality. If there is no issue then women will not be allowed to abort because abortion is not allowed without a valid reason in the UK. UK government have allowed abortion in Northern Ireland for the period 22 October to 31 March 2020 (BBC NEWS, 2019). If women have abortions, they will not be charged under criminal law, and the travel and accommodation will be funded if women travel from Northern Ireland for abortion. Women were allowed to take abortion pills at home before 2018 (BBC NEWS, 2019).
How to avoid abortion:
There are different ways through which abortion can be avoided. When people will plan sex, they have to use birth control to avoid pregnancies, and it is one of the best ways (The Federalist, 2020). It will help them to implement their family plan without abortion. Women should be more careful before selecting their partners and this will also help women to avoid abortion because a supportive partner will never encourage abortion. People can go to adoption agencies because there are plenty of families who are interested in having a child. Women should not need to abort because of the fear of upbringing the baby if they go for this option. By making male partners aware of protected sex, they will be able to avoid abortion (Gebremedhin et al., 2018). Women can talk with their family members to ask them to help them in upbringing their baby to escape abortion. The government have to ensure the security of girls to save them from being raped. Ending rapes will also increase the possibility of stopping abortion.
Methodology of creating the report:
Research methodology refers to the specific procedures or methods that are used to choose, detect, process and examine all information about a topic which helps readers to critically evaluate the validity and reliability of a research paper (Taherdoost, 2016). Though it shows the validity and reliability of a research paper, research methodology is a significant part of a research paper (Tong et al., 2012). The purpose of this research, methods and strategies of the research, data collection process and presentation process are evaluated in this section.
Research purpose: Analytical
Mackey, and Gass, (2015) have defined that a research proposal reveals the purpose of the research: will it explore the issue or explain the issue? Exploratory research purpose, explanatory research purpose, and analytical are the main research purposes. Analytical research purpose has been used in this research in order to make the research analytically. Analytical research purpose indicates the research purpose which has been used if the researcher knows the research problem and variables (Flick, 2015). The problem of this research is the rise of the number of abortion cases in the UK and associated risks and laws to the subject; variables are family condition, financial situations, relationship with partners etc. Both of the problem and variables are critically evaluated in this research which will help to bring development in the process of improving the situation in the UK.
Research Method: Hybrid
Kumar (2019) has revealed that research method indicates the way research follows, such as: qualitative, quantitative and hybrid. Research methods should be adopted after evaluating the effectiveness and drawbacks of all ways. The effectiveness of the qualitative method is researcher can make a detailed analyses of statistics and results furthermore respondents can observe the research easily (Ledford, and Gast, 2018). The drawback of the method is results are not presented through quantifiable terms. Whilst, the qualitative method presents outcomes with quantifiable terms which is a great advantage and the drawback is respondents are not allowed to response outside the specific response sheet (Larsson, 2010). The hybrid method presents data in both quantitative and qualitative terms (Jonker, and Pennink, 2010). It is the appropriate research method because it helps to get effective outcomes from the research therefore Hybrid research method has been used in this research.
Research Strategy:
There are different research strategies. For this specific research, secondary sources of data have been compiled and analyzed through internet browsing. A wide range of internet sources has been used to collect information and data. It was ensured that the sources were authentic.
Data collection strategy and presentation:
There are two ways of collecting data such as: primary and secondary (Mangal, and Mangal, 2013). Primary data are collected from people through observation, case studies, questionnaire surveys and interviews (Mohajan, 2018). And secondary data are collected through companies’ websites, e-books, journals, articles, magazines and newspapers (Cecez-Kecmanovic, 2011). In this research secondary data collection strategy has been used due to the short time and limited budget. Researchers get authentic information through searching on search engines therefore, they do not need to observe more. Microsoft has been used in this research to present data because it is easy to use and does not require additional training to use it.
Ethical issues:
Researchers should ensure that their research has been done by maintaining all the ethical issues in order to maintain the integrity of the work (Dumay, and Cai, 2015). The research has been conducted by maintaining decency and truthfulness. Data has been collected from the internet after studying e-books and magazines, and furthermore the surveys published by world-recognized publishers. All this information will be kept safely in order to avoid the misuse of the information by others for any bad intentions. Any content has not been used without citing properly and all the statistics have been presented with proper citation. Rules and regulations of the institute have been followed in order to ensure integrity.
Reasons for creating the report:
Getting informed about the increased number of abortions: The key reason for creating this report is to find out the number of abortions in the UK, and it is found that the number of abortions has increased enormously. As a social care researcher, it is my responsibility to find out about the facts and figures of these types of health threats.
Analysing the reasons why women have an abortion: In this report, the reasons why women have an abortion have been analysed. It is found that young age, older age, problems with a partner, health threats etcetera are the key reasons for abortion. As a result, women in the UK will be capable of identifying the problems where they need to be careful to avoid abortions.
Evaluating the UK laws about abortion: Evaluation of UK abortion laws is also the reason for creating the research. It is seen that the government allow abortion only when women have a valid reason for the abortion, such as a health threat. Therefore, the UK government will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of its laws and can take effective steps to make sure of the application of the laws.
Identifying the bad impact of abortion on women’s health: Identifying the bad impact of abortion on women’s health is the other reason for conducting the research that will help women to be aware of the consequences of abortion and rethink abortion. It is seen that abortion causes breast cancer, internal organ damage, physical problem, and other problems, even cause death.
Showing the way of avoiding abortion: Informing the ways of avoiding abortion is the other key reason for conducting this research. It will help women to know about ways and implement the ways to avoid abortion.
Abortion has a great threat to women’s health, but the number of abortions is increasing enormously. To stop abortion, the government of the UK have to inform women about how they can avoid abortion. They can ensure family planning programs in every hospital, clinic and health care in the UK to increase the availability of family plan programs. The government will be capable of making people aware of escaping abortion by ensuring birth control services. This step will reduce the mortal rate of women because of abortion in the UK. The government laws on abortion are unable to stop abortions; therefore the government should remake the laws to ensure the reduction of abortions within the UK.
ABORT73.COM, 2020. U.K. Abortion Statistics. Retrieved from: [Assed on: 12 March 2020]
BBC NEWS, 2019. What are the UK’s laws on abortion? Retrieved from: [Assed on: 13 March 2020]
Britannica, 2020. Abortion. Retrieved from: [Assed on: 11 March 2020]
Berg, A., 2017. Abortion and miscarriage. Philosophical studies.
Cecez-Kecmanovic, D., 2011. Doing critical information systems research–arguments for a critical research methodology. European Journal of Information Systems.
MARIE STOPES UK, 2020. There are safe and legal options for ending a pregnancy. Retrieved from: [Assed on: 13 March 2020]
The Federalist, 2020. 8 Abortion Prevention Tips. Retrieved from: [Assed on: 14 March 2020]