Different approaches to recruitment and selection


Different approaches to recruitment and selection will be analysed in this report. Human resource indicates to the people who work within an organization, industry, business sector or economy (Marchington et al., 2016). Human resources are the most important resource of a company because they produce products and serve customers in order to make a company successful. In this report, the development of the human resource function has been appraised. Traditional and contemporary approaches to selection have been evaluated also. And the procedures of performance management have also been evaluated at the last part.

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Defining Human Resource (HR) function

HR practices developed with the developed organizations. The HR function is at different positions in the development cycle, such as stars as a business function, then becoming a business partner, and after that, strategic partner (Armstrong, and Taylor, 2020).

Different Approaches To Recruitment And Selection-Evolution to HR

HR became a business function: From 1890 to 1913, the responsibilities of HR were managing employee data payroll, time and attendance and setting policies for a company (Noe et al., 2015). HR managed employee data such as employees’ details and the amount they are paid for their work. Therefore, HR can utilize these data about the employees when the company decides the increment and other decisions for them. By keeping information about time and attendance, HR can find out the sincere employees of their company in order to reward them. HR makes policies for a company in order to make sure about long-term employees’ welfare which makes employee relations better.

When HR is a business partner: HR makes sure that the existing business needs are fulfilled to ensure outstanding growth of the company in this state (Boxall, and Purcell, 2011). HR emphasize competency-based recruitment because companies get the most qualified candidates who have a track record of attaining outstanding result in a given field of interest. By appointing these employees, HR makes sure that the employees will contribute greatly on the organization’s success. HR arranges training and development processes in order to develop employees when they play the role of a business partner. Developed employees can give the best performance which enhances the quality of products and services of a company.

When HR is a strategic partner: HR is considered a strategic business partner in some organizations are provided full maturity of the HR function (Bratton, and Gold, 2017). In this state, it is HR’s responsibility to identify core competencies necessary among other functions like as: aligning employees to common sets of objectives from mission and value statements, identifying both top performers and worst performers, etcetera. HR also mitigate risks by making suitable prosperity planning strategies and measuring the effectiveness of leadership, including employee satisfaction. It ensures increased employee engagement to bring the best outcome to organizations’ operations.

Traditional and contemporary approaches to recruitment and selection

Traditional recruitment methods

Different Approaches To Recruitment And Selection-Traditional recruitment methods

Local paper advertisement: In this process, companies give job advertisement in local newspaper. It is the most common and easy method of recruitment. Candidates see the advertisement get attracted toward the company.

Local employee office postings: Companies find out employees from the local unemployment offices where the people look job. Every type of candidates stay part of these offices. Companies can find out eligible employees from the offices easily.

Temp agencies: Temporary employment agencies shortlist potential candidates for companies. These employment agencies make employee selection easier by shortlisting them therefore companies do not need to waste their time in shortlisting. As a result, companies can select experienced candidates among them.

Internal hiring: In internal hiring, employees promote employees who are already part of the company for the empty post. It is one of the suitable method of traditional recruitment because companies know about the capabilities of their employees. Therefore, it makes recruitment decision easier for companies.

Modern recruitment methods:

Artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence has been used in recruitment process. Among them Chatbots secures suitable candidates therefore it can save time of recruitment process. Sentiment analysis and talent rediscovery are also used in modern recruitment.

Video interviews: Companies take employees’ interview through video call and it is called video interview. Employees who lives far area can give video interview. It saves both time and money.

Social media: Companies can find employees from social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr or professional network like Linkedln. It is another time saving recruitment technique.

Mobile recruiting: By using mobile, companies can recruit and it is one of the most user-friendly platform of present days. Companies use text messaging the most to attract candidates through mobile devices.

Procedures and practices of performance management

Performance management is the process in which communication between employers and employees are occurred in order to attain the organizational objectives (Mello, 2014). Procedures and practices of performance management are evaluated below:

Ensuring fair treatment for employees: Performance management ensures that employees of company are treated with fair treatment (DeCenzo, Robbins, and Verhulst, 2016). For example, employees will get flexible workplace where they will feel comfortable to work, employees will be paid fairly for their effort etcetera. Therefore, employees become loyal to their company and employee retention increases.

Helps managers to communicate with employees: Performance management provides a framework and guidance to the managers to communicate clearly with employees (Harzing, and Pinnington, 2010). Managers can communicate effective by following the framework and guidance which help them to ensure the communication standards.

Enables employees to reach required standard of performance: Managers can communicate with employees effectively through performance management and guide them to reach the required standard of performance (Sparrow, Brewster, and Chung, 2016). Employees become capable of reaching the needed standard of performance after getting the guidance and support of their managers. As a result, companies can attain their organizational goal easily with the help of performance management.


Human resource develop the bottom line of a company (Guest, 2011). Organizational success depends on the performance of human resource. Companies should use proper recruitment approach in order to get eligible employees who are contemptible with the organizational structure. Companies should ensure the adaptation of performance management to align employees’ tasks after considering business objectives. As a result, companies will get best outcome from employees’ performance.


Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2020. Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.

Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.

Boxall, P. and Purcell, J., 2011. Strategy and human resource management. Macmillan International Higher Education.

DeCenzo, D.A., Robbins, S.P. and Verhulst, S.L., 2016. Fundamentals of human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.

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