Human resource management of BRAKES


Human resource management of BRAKES will be evaluated in this report. Human Resources explain those people who structure the personnel of an association, industry, industry sector, or economy. A well-organized HR department is significant to a personnel-oriented, creative place of work in which staff is keyed up and busy. This report will provide a clear understanding of the motive and scope of human resource management. An overview of the effectiveness of HRM in an organizational context will be also discussed in this report. There will also be an application of human resources management discussed. Human Resources Management of an organization has several impacts on the decision-making process of the organization.

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Introducing BRAKES

Brakes is a food and delivery business supplying foodstuff, drink and additional products mostly to the catering sector in the UK during more than twenty allocation centres. It serves to deliver extensively and deals with logistic services. It was formed in 1958 and is headquartered in the United Kingdom. It has been a secondary of Sysco Corporation since 2016 when the latter absorbed it for millions. Its consumers comprise schools, agreement caterers, hotels, hospitals, separate dining establishments, and diverse huge restaurant chains.

Human resource management of BRAKES

Human resource management of BRAKES

This section will discuss the functions and purposes of HRM in planning and resourcing:

Activities of HR in workforce plan and resource management:

Staffing- Brakes can become more efficient when they acquire capable persons who are chosen for a definite position together with the appropriate timing. It would create an organization to accomplish its aim (Bratton and Gold, 2017). The organization acquires such trained staff on time when its Human Resource Department makes effective recruitment functions. It will help Brakes to plan the workforce through- job analysis, Human resource planning, recruitment and selection (Collings and others, 2018).

Compensation & Benefits- The department of human resource management has also the liability to achieve the function of recompense & employee advantages. The compensation is distinct since all the rewards are gathered by the worker because of the employment. By this, Brakes can make the most use of its resources. Human Resource Activities of human resource management consist of one more significant function of the department in which the teaching & development of the workers are organized together with the occupation planning (DeCenzo and others, 2016). Because of this, definite activities together with presentation appraisals are performed that objectify the requirements for the development of particular employees. The working out is intended & given to give the workers with the necessary skills & understanding for present positions of the tasks. Thus resources can be utilized during Brakes.

Safety & Health– it is built-in in the activities of human resource management acted by the HRM of the association. In this, the safety of the workers forms severe accidents in an operational environment is distributed. Fitness is slightly dissimilar from safety in as a method that it is connected to the usual physical & psychological comfort of workers that build them gratis from the sickness. Good health in secure working surroundings ensures greater productivity & efficiency of the business in the protracted run.

Human Resource Research– This is not chosen as a function of the HRM, but at rest, it is measured to be one of the activities of HRM as it does not need a cost for detaching the laboratory & offer successful solutions for numerous issues of this department.

Every function of HRM is unified with one another & the sole decision of the department can lead to many things for the company, like Brakes, so the organization should remain centred on this detail while taking certain important business decisions (Collings and others, 2018).

Purpose of Human Resource Management

Human Resources Management of Brakes has many purposes

Valuable use of resources: Make sure that workers are using the resources effectively and efficiently to achieve the vision of the company

Expand resources: It is required to make sure staff are prepared for the then thing.

Connect workforce: it is required to be confirmed that workers work at their top level.

Endorse organizational culture: employees should happy to be present and maintain the culture of the organization properly.

Recruitment: get the next workers on the ship.

Obey government policies: make the business respect its responsibilities toward workers depending on the state in which they live and work.

Those purposes of human resources management help the organization to make the maximum use of the resources and workplace planning of the organization (Matloob et al., 2020).

Approaches of recruitment and selection with their positive and negative sides:

The recruitment and selection process of an organization has different strengths and weaknesses. Those are very important to consider in maintaining the human resource management process of a country.

Internal Recruitment

For instance, it can be done by promoting or transferring. Brakes may also decide to permit obtainable employees to toggle from provisional or unpaid positions to lasting or full-time conditions.

This technique is gainful and can increase employee confidence. Also, it assists it in keeping top skills and minimizes workforce turnover. Also, the workers will get more motivated to effort hard and give the finest effort.

The disadvantage is that choosing inside the organization may bind the figure of possible candidates. Besides, one might miss out on clean ideas that outside candidates can pass.  Conflicts may arise within the workplace.

External Recruitment

It refers to recruitment from external sources. It decreases all the troubles that are related to that internal recruitment, but the problem is this process is expensive and lengthy. This process requires the company to train the new employees, educate them in the correct manner and behaviour, and give them job security. Furthermore, the selection process from external sources could not be efficient and correct (Matloob et al., 2020).

There are chances that applicants can be automatically disqualified.

Pros and cons of the process of selection:

The process of potential candidate selection is not the same in all organizations, rather the selection process varies from one company to another. Online testing before the interview, face-to-face interviews, and physical testing are some of the procedures followed by the most organizations.

Testing the candidates online helps a company to judge the depth of knowledge of the employees. However, this procedure does not present the whole picture of the scenario because the candidate may appear in the exam with help from someone else. On the other hand, a face-to-face interview gives an excellent opportunity for the company to rightly judge the skills and abilities of the candidates (Kasemsap, 2019). However, the limitation of this process is that the company has to arrange a lot of interviews, and many of them can be incapable. In that case, managers would feel that the process is wasting their time.

A suitable approach could be to arrange an online assessment, and based on the performance, potential candidates could be called for a face-to-face interview. This approach will eliminate many of the limitations of individual approaches.

Benefits of various HRM practices in the organization

Human resource practices can give benefits to employees and the organization.  Some of the best practices of HRM are

  • Giving security to employees- there are several ways to ensure the security of workers. Thus the employees can get the benefit of having a safe and healthy workplace. At what time service security is in danger, for instance when there is a reform or suspension, this will right away ripple throughout the organization. Service security also reimbursement organizations as it assists them in keeping their populace. While workers are laid off, for instance, it’s typically the association that pays the value.
  • Careful hiring: The next HR most excellent practice is careful hiring. This makes an organization get in employees who put in worth. One can’t immediately employ anyone; they desire people who are well for the work. Brake does its finest to hire outstanding people for the reason that they put in the largest part of the value to the company. Hiring the correct people is, then, a solution to building a competitive advantage. In this digital world, there are many dissimilar recruitment tools that one can employ to create an accurate selection (Kasemsap, 2019).
  • Self-managed and efficient teams- it is known to us that joint effort is essential in meeting goals. High-performance groups are vital for any business at what time it comes to gaining accomplishment. Group works provide worth as they comprise the public who are considered differently but are running towards a familiar goal. Thus, various ideas are produced to help attain the goal (Kwan, 2020).
  • Performance-based reward or compensation- Initially, if one hires the exact people, one desires to recompense them over average.  People will put in nearly all worth to the organization, so one wishes to hold them and disburse them rather. This is a case that clarifies how dissimilar best practices toil together to offer added value than they would unaided. Giving people over the standard also has numerous possible disadvantages. For example, it de-motivates dreadful employees to depart. Next, one wants to link personal rewards with the diverse kinds of aid that employees make. These are performance-oriented rewards. Both the organization and employees can benefit from this.

Effectiveness of various human resources practices for BRAKES

There are various examples of how can an organization can get benefits and increase productivity through HR practices.

Reward and compensation can increase the productivity of an organization. This can easily make a profit as the employees of the organization work more. Rewards can make an employee more hardworking as they get attracted to grasp the opportunity. There are other practices like hiring the right man for the work, which can also boost productivity if the organization is on a large scale. There are several ways to boost the productivity of Brakes on a large scale. One more effectual HR practice to develop productivity at work is the preparation of encouragement programs. At what time businesses aspire to build up productivity, a lot of pressure is put on the department and managers as they are the real pillars that can produce an effective way to develop productivity. Information sharing is necessary. It is an art in which many large organizations struggle. But providing necessary information to employees can boost their performance, and thus, the company can make more profit through the increasing level of productivity. Initially, open communication is a strategy wherein the community believes they are trusted. It, in fact, involves workers in the organization. As an extra effect, it doesn’t encourage hearsay and harmful casual chatter (Kwan, 2020).

The significance of employment relationship in making a decision

Employee relations: It is a model with which the organization interacts and addresses all employees. Keeping a better connection will be dipping any type of place of work conflicts with several returns, such as increasing employees’ morale and the addition of the whole organization’s productivity. There are several ways to improve the relationship between employees and the organization (Beijer et al., 2019).

Career Growth: For an increase in employee turnover, the organization has adopted definite roles of staff job development.

Better Communication: Keeping a proper ladder, the organization makes sure that the employees have the right of entry to each level so that they can think about the concern of service in addition to the significance within the association (Armstrong and Taylor, 2020).

Connecting employees in decision-making can be helpful for Brakes business and employees. At the time one lets the staff help with decisions, it keeps that one trusts them. Keeping a good relationship with employees can give organizations several ideas and suggestions to make the business more profitable. This good relationship also encourages the employees with a full effort. Asking workers for opinions can provide the organization with diverse perspectives to compose superior decisions. Employees frequently work more directly with customers; as a result, they identify what customers need and ask for. Workers can also procure revenue-generating and expenditure-saving thoughts. Workers can now control decision-making in lots of ways, unionization can be one of them. There are contribution forums that workers can use successfully to manipulate managerial decision-making. The relationship between employees and the organization can make the decision-making the process more efficient (Herrera and Heras-Rosas, 2020).

Key elements of employment legislation and the influence it has upon HRM

The main essentials of employment legislation are –

  • Equivalent employment prospects for each person looking for a job.
  • Operational time regulations. setting up working time
  • Salary and remuneration salaried for labour and service
  • High-quality working circumstances for personnel
  • Assenting events favouring everybody
  • Sexual harassment hindrance for improved work surroundings
  • Social safety, welfare and health care of every worker. Their influence is moderately good on decision-making. They guarantee the privileges of all workers (DeCenzo and others, 2016).

Impact of employee legislation on Human Resource Management

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is the rule that drives minimum wages, eventually pay for workers who labour over 40 hours in a single week, child labour laws and record-keeping requirements. It can make the company more conscious of those facts affecting the employment legislation. There are other legislations also which have an impact on the organization. Health and safety cat forces the organization to provide safety and security. The company should keep a record of all risky materials used, articulate injuries or deaths that happen and offer proper preparation for any unsafe jobs in the place of work (Haneda and Ito, 2018).

The Civil Rights Act was enacted to defend employees and candidates from favouritism. The Act was done against the law for companies to disburse diverse wages rooted in gender for workers of a similar position and liability level. Thus, those legislations have several impacts on the HR department of Brakes.

Human Resource Practices in an organization

There are more than a few ways to make certain the prosperity of workers. Thus the workers can get the advantage of having a protected and healthy workplace.  By hiring the right people, the organization can have someone to get in employees who put in worth. One can’t immediately employ anyone; they desire people who are well for the work. Brake does its finest to hire outstanding people for the reason that they put in the largest part of the value to the company. Hiring the correct people is, then, a solution to building a competitive advantage (Bratton and Gold, 2017).


The report focuses on different HR practices and describes the importance of those practices in an organizational context. It has been seen that the company should select a combination of online assessment and face-to-face interview processes to correctly select the right candidate. The impact of those on a business like Brakes has been stated.  Different legislation and maintaining good employee relations is important to maintain an organization like Brakes.


Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2020. Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.

Beijer, S., Peccei, R., Van Veldhoven, M. and Paauwe, J., 2019. The turn to employees in the measurement of human resource practices: A critical review and proposed way forward. Human Resource Management Journal.

Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.

Matloob, H.A., Raju, V. and Al-shami, S.A., 2020. The Impact of High-Performance Human Resource Practices on Intrapreneurial Behaviour in the oil and gas Sector in Iraq. TEST Engineering & Management, 82, pp.12432-12447.

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