The government of UK has some rules and regulations to control the human resource department of the companies. Impact of UK legal framework on HRM is significant for any company because these affect how the business operates. These legislation have significant impact on the HRM practices of any company in the UK. To make the discussion more meaningful, the analysis has used the example of Unilever. The discussion will analyse the impact of UK legal and regulatory framework on HRM.
Discussing the impact of UK legal and regulatory framework on HRM

Sex Discrimination Act 1975 of UK describes that a company cannot reject a candidate on the basis of certain gender. Therefore, Unilever cannot rejects a women even if the post requires a role of a man. Here, the implication for a company operating in the UK is that it has to select employees regardless of their gender.
Race Discrimination Act of 1976 of UK discusses that a company cannot reject an employee on the grounds of certain race. Thus Unilever or any company running in the UK must treat all the races with equal treatment. This suggests that Unilever or any company must create an equal employment opportunity for all candidates.
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 of UK says that a company cannot discriminate based on the grounds of being physically disadvantaged. Thus, a company must treat all the candidates equally. If a physically disadvantaged but has capabilities, Unilever is bound to give him a job.
UK government has equal pay legislation (Equal Pay Act 1970) with the same employees of same ranks. Therefore, the HR of a company must pay same to the employees at same ranks. This legislation also implies that a company cannot pay the male more salary than a female given that they work in the same rank. Moreover, the country has certain limited range of salaries which all the companies including Unilever is bound to pay.
Data protection Act 2018 has forced the companies to make the data of the employees private because this is ruled by the government. Thus the company cannot deliver the personal data of the employees to others. From the above discussion this is clear that the legislations of UK have significant impact on the HRM activities of Unilever.
From the above discussion this is clear that the legislations of UK have significant impact on the HRM activities of Unilever.