Strategic Tourism Planning for Coastal Areas has been developed in this report. Tourism is a creation of modern social arrangements that refers to the act and procedure of spending time in a place which is away from home even outside of own country with the intention of relaxation, refreshment and happiness by using the commercial provision of services (Hatipoglu, Alvarez, and Ertuna, 2016). The tourism sector is growing rapidly because people from all over the world are becoming more interested in travelling. Because of the tourism sector, people can travel without any difficulties to the places they want to. Strategic tourism planning helps a destination attain its targeted growth. When tourism grows, the economic condition of a country and the tourist area develops. Therefore, the tourism industry makes effective strategies to utilize the beauty of historical and natural places to attract tourists.
The effectiveness of producing tourism strategic plans for a coastal area has been analysed here. The importance of collaborative planning in tourism and the justification for the application of collaborative planning will be useful for Broadstairs coastal area or not has been evaluated. Tourism strategies with clear vision and objectives to address the present issues and challenges that Broadstairs is facing have been demonstrated. The ways by which the vision and mission will be implemented and the identification of the stakeholders who will be part of the implementation has been also demonstrated. And the benefits of completed strategies for residents and visitors socially and economically have also been analysed.

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Definition of Tourism Planning and Strategic Tourism Planning
Tourism refers to the temporary movement of people in which they move to the destination’s outer side of their residential area, workplace and their activities while staying in the destinations and, furthermore the services created to meet their demand (Presenza et al., 2014). The tourism sector ensures customers’ safety and arranges better holidays for them, therefore, people are becoming more interested in travelling. Because of the advancement of the tourism sector, people travel from country to country with fewer difficulties. The number of global tourists was 1.5 billion in 2019 which increased by about 4% from 2018 (UNWTO, 2020). The increased number of travellers refers to the enormous growth of the tourism industry. The tourism sector contributed 2,893 billion U.S. dollars directly to the global economy in the year 2019 (Statista, 2020).
Vogt et al., (2016) have revealed in their research that strategic planning refers to the way of developing methods to reach the targeted aims and attain the purposes. Strategic tourism planning refers to the process of developing strategies in order to reach the aims of the tourism industry and attain their purposes (Hatipoglu, Alvarez, and Ertuna, 2016). Strategic tourism planning makes effective strategies through which tourism destinations can fulfil their aim and attain targeted objectives (Moutinho and Sanchez, 2018). Destinations can find out a way of attracting more customers, increase customers’ gratification by identifying their demand and make the destination aware of the latest trends in tourism.
People’s growing interest in travelling indicates the vast opportunity for the tourism industry. The industry has to make attractive holiday packages, make arrangements to increase customers’ safety and provide them with better services within convenient price ranges in order to attract more travellers. All these facilities will encourage people to go on holiday in order to make their leisure memorable and enjoyable. By attracting more traveller tourism industry will be capable of contributing more to global GDP, increasing the economic stability of the tourist area and bringing foreign currency within their countries. The tourism industry has great potential to make a country economically stronger, therefore, the industry has to motivate local communities to respond positively to tourists. It will inspire tourists to visit there again and suggest others visit the destination. The tourism industry has to utilize the natural beauty, historical buildings and history of the tourist area to get more customers and maximize profit from the sector. Because of tourism, tourist areas become more developed by the authorities. It helps the residents of the area to lead a life in better way. Tourism also creates huge job opportunities that reduce the unemployment rate in a country.
Benefits of strategic tourism planning for coastal areas:
The tourism sector can enhance its inabilities by adopting strategic tourism planning. It helps destinations to increase safety actions for travellers, develop the destination, and help them to reduce environmental pollution. Therefore, the destination becomes capable of getting more travellers. The benefits strategic tourism planning brings are evaluated below:
Brings economic development: With the help of strategic tourism planning earnings of destinations increases which is additional earnings for a destination (Costa et al., 2014). By bringing additional income it causes economic development of a destination. By making strategic tourism planning, coastal areas can also develop themselves according to the preferences of travellers. Therefore, travellers to coastal areas will increase, and these areas will be capable of generating more revenue and will contribute to the economic development of their countries.
Reduces unemployment rate: Strategic tourism planning assists the industry in attaining outstanding growth, and it creates job opportunities for many people with its growth (Dredge, and Jenkins, 2016). When a tourist destination becomes popular, resorts, hotels, spas, shops, shopping centres, restaurants, etcetera businesses are opened for the increased number of travellers. With the development of this business, the unemployment rate reduces. As a result, people in the coastal areas will get job opportunity that helps them to lead a better life.
Earns foreign currency: When destinations become developed and attract many more foreign travellers toward coastal areas (Dredge, and Jenkins, 2011). Strategic tourism planning makes a destination attractive and increases the safety of the area, therefore, foreign travellers get attracted to the coastal areas. As a result, the destination can earn foreign currency from international travellers and it will make the country more beneficial economically.
Increases security of coastal areas: Through strategic tourism planning, coastal areas can identify the required security demand and it helps the area to ensure the security for travellers (Wan, 2013). With proper planning accommodation facilities and transport facilities are developed in coastal areas that help travellers to safely visit these areas. Therefore, travellers feel more attracted to visit the coastal areas.
Develops coastal area: By adopting strategic tourism planning, authorities understand the importance of developing coastal areas and take steps to develop the areas (Dredge, & Jamal, 2015). Roads, telecommunication facilities and other structures are developed properly which brings long-term development to the coastal areas. As a result, residents of the areas can lead a better life.
Brings growth to local businesses: Because of strategic tourism planning, travellers get more attracted toward coastal areas and they spend money on the local businesses of the area (Lemos et al., 2012). Travellers spend on local businesses while purchasing their required things. Therefore, sales of local businesses increase greatly and it helps them to have outstanding growth.
Welcomes cultural diversity: People of different cultures and countries are attracted to a coastal area with strategic tourism planning, and it welcomes cultural diversity in the area and furthermore in travellers (Edgell, 2013). Travellers get an idea about the culture of coastal areas and the people of coastal areas also get the scope to know about other people’s cultures. As a result, cultural diversity is welcomed.
Develops entertainment facilities in a coastal area: Coastal areas can make better entertainment plans for their travellers that increase their gratification, and they travel more to the area (Moutinho, 2011). Casinos, amusement parks etcetera are opened in coastal areas with the help of strategic tourism planning. Therefore, travellers can spend good times and enjoy their leisure greatly.
Strategic tourism planning that London applied
London is one of the most successful tourist destinations in the UK, and strategic tourism planning of the destination has brought this success to the area. About 30 million visitors visit London each year (London’s Economic Plan, 2020). This huge amount of travellers refer to the enormous success of the destination. London has implemented its strategic tourism planning effectively which has made it capable of attracting a huge number of travellers. It has many historical places and buildings, and they become able to ensure maximum use of these resources to attain the desired growth. It has successfully presented its culture to travellers with the help of proper tourism planning. It is a developed destination and technologically advanced that have made strategic planning implementation easier. The revenue London generates through tourism is about 10% of the city’s gross value-added income (London’s Economic Plan, 2020). And 13% of people in London are employed in the tourism industry, which refers to the huge job opportunities created by London. Residents of London have more developed areas with better transport facilities and communication facilities which is the output of the successful strategic tourism planning of London. It seems that London has attained enormous success in the tourism sector with the application of its strategic tourism planning.
Effectiveness of Collaborative planning in tourism
Collaboration planning in tourism helps the tourist industry to attain sustainable growth. Collaborative planning refers to the process of distributing tasks for planning to the partners who have the capability and can negotiate on the factors (Marzuki, Hay, and James, 2012). By engaging different kinds of stakeholders in decision-making, companies can make better decisions for the development of a destination. Stakeholders who can participate in collaboration planning for developing Broadstairs coastal area are local residents, business owners, tourism service providers, the authority of the sea beaches, local developers, suppliers etcetera. The advantages and disadvantages of the collaborative planning approach for the Broadstairs coastal area are analysed below:
Advantages of collaborative approach:
Makes decision-making process easier: Collaborative planning involves everyone while taking decisions therefore the decision-making process becomes easier (Wray, 2011). When stakeholders of different levels will be involved in decision-making on developing Broadstairs coastal area, everyone will be able to express their opinion. Therefore, it will be easier to select effective decisions from all opinions.
Develops social sense among everyone: In collaborative planning, all kinds of stakeholders are present in the decision-making, and everyone gets the chance to meet each other in the arranged meeting (Blancas et al., 2011). Everyone meets one another, and they communicate with each other therefore it builds social sense among the stakeholders. It seems that collaborative tourism planning will develop the social sense among the stakeholders of the Broadstairs coastal area development project.
Better solutions: Though every expresses their opinion while decision making, collaborative tourism planning helps to get the best solutions to the problems (Eshliki, and Kaboudi, 2012). Stakeholders can negotiate with each other in meetings and give their own opinion. Every stakeholder finds out individual solutions therefore this approach proves effective in generating better solutions to problems.
Stakeholders’ satisfaction: In collaborative tourism planning, all stakeholders get the chance to participate in decision-making, therefore, increasing their satisfaction (Dredge, and Jamal, 2015). Stakeholders feel satisfied after getting the scope to express their own opinion. Therefore, stakeholders will find out an effective solution after evaluating the situation, and it will ensure the effectiveness of the solutions for developing the Broadstairs coastal area.
Disadvantages of collaborative tourism planning:
Time-consuming: Collaboration tourism planning involves all stakeholders in decision making therefore it takes a long time in decision making that consumes too much time (Altinay, Paraskevas, and Jang, 2015). The tourism service providers of the Broadstairs coastal area will have to collect decisions from every stakeholder, therefore, it will consume much time to arrange meetings to bring them together. Too much time consumption will make the implementation late.
Complex process: Stakeholders express their decisions in this approach and selecting one decision among all is a tough task therefore it is a complex process (Moscardo, 2011). When the tourism service provider will select one decision of any stakeholder in the issue of increasing tourists in the Broadstairs coastal area, other stakeholders will feel zealous. And the process of choosing one effective decision among so many decisions is difficult.
Costly process: Collaborative tourism planning needs to bring every stakeholder together and arrange meetings to take decisions therefore it is a costly process (Lew, 2014). It will increase the cost of the tourism industry to arrange meetings, communicate with everyone to join, and make arrangements to receive all of these will increase the costs of decision making.
London’s Economic Plan, 2020. London’s Tourism Industry. Retrieved from: [Assessed on: 29 March 2020]
Statista, 2020. Economic contribution of travel and tourism to GDP worldwide 2006-2019. Retrieved from:–total-economic-contribution-worldwide/. [Assessed on: 28 March 2020]