Sustainable Tourism Planning for Costa Rica will be developed in this report to show how the destination can be sustainable. The tourism and hospitality industry has evolved across the world based on natural resources and beauty. This implies that the tourism industry has a huge impact mainly on nature and then on the society, culture and economies of respective areas. To reduce the negative impact of tourism and to have a positive impact on all stakeholders of the industry, the concept of sustainable and responsible tourism has evolved over time. UNWTO is the leader of the global tourism industry and it takes a leading role to make sustainable tourism habits for as many tourist destinations as possible. This report has used a wide range of concepts related to tourism development, planning, sustainable tourism etc. A specific tourism destination has been selected to apply a few concepts in this report, selected tourist destination is Costa Rica. This is a small country in Central America with 51,100 square kilometres and a population of 4.99m (CIA, 2020). Costa Rica Tourism Board (2020) is the Destination Management Organization for the country. For the convenience of application, the whole country has been considered as a tourism destination in this report.
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Features of sustainable and responsible tourism
Jamal, Camargo, and Wilson (2013) defined sustainable tourism as the practice of making a visit to a certain tourist destination and putting a positive impact on the destination and making sure that the area and ecosystem is not hampered in any respect. Whilst, responsible tourism implies having a visit to certain tourist destinations and maximizing benefits for the destinations economically, culturally and ecologically by enabling and encouraging them to protect their natural uniqueness (McCombes, Vanclay, and Evers, 2015). The concept of sustainable and responsible tourism has evolved since the 1980s, when the tourism and hospitality industry started having a negative impact on destinations (Caruana et al., 2014).
The concept of Greener transportation evolved: Tourism is not possible without transportation and movement, and airline companies emit a large amount of CO2 globally. However, International Air Transport Association (IATA) has adopted a plan to increase fuel efficiency by 2% every year through 2050 (Cohen et al., 2014). This is a significant step towards sustainable tourism because it will help to reduce the negative impact of CO2 emissions. Costa Rica is also very much conscious of this aspect and they also suggest world travellers use airlines that are concerned about fuel efficiency and sustainable tourism (Costa Rica Vacation, 2020).
Protecting and encouraging preserving natural resources, and heritage at destinations: UNWTO (2020) suggested that sustainable tourist destinations emphasized preserving natural resources, and heritage and encouraging local communities to preserve them by making them understand that this is their livelihood. This will encourage local communities to preserve natural resources and heritage. Costa Rica also has stringent rules that no tourists are even allowed to tear shells of trees (Costa Rica Vacation, 2020). They also collect $10 per forest visit, and this fund helps them to keep the parks clean.
Consuming supplies from local sources: Leslie (2012) revealed that encouraging visitors to consume supplies from local sources will help the local community to be economically solvent and this is a significant contributor towards responsible tourism. This will have a positive economic impact on the local community. Costa Rica also encourages tourists to use local food, and purchase gifts and traditional items from local communities (Costa Rica Vacation, 2020).
Being green in hotel management: Niedziołka (2014) argued that hotel management is a comprehensive job and the introduction of sustainable and green practices can contribute widely to implementing sustainable tourism. Gradually, hotels and resorts started becoming more sensible about using solar power for electricity and installing water recyclers, and recyclable materials as much as possible. Hotels, motels and resorts in Costa Rica emphasize using renewable sources of energy, and recyclable materials.
Introduction of sustainable tourism certification: Frey and George (2010) have revealed that the introduction of sustainable certification to inform and train people on how to be responsible and sustainable in tourism activities played a great role in sustainable tourism. Costa Rica has such training programs in place through which respective companies train employees on how to act responsively and how to guide tourists to act in a sustainable and responsible manner.
Organizations that promote sustainable and responsible tourism:
Sustainable tourism has become an important topic worldwide because tourism has a negative impact on society, culture and, most importantly natural harmony. As a result, different organizations have been established to promote sustainable tourism initiatives.
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO): This is a specialized agency of the United Nations and it is the most potential and leading sustainable tourism proponent which most countries follow and admire (UNWTO-1, 2020). UNWTO believes that tourism is the fastest-growing industry in the world and it has the power to change countries’ economies at the same time preserving nature, culture and heritage. The organization has outlined 17 goals for sustainable tourism to achieve by 2030 (UNWTO-1, 2020).

(UNWTO-1, 2020)
The above pictogram demonstrates 17 sustainable development goals outlined by UNWTO. This organization takes such initiatives on a regular basis as a part of their activities to make tourism really sustainable and financially beneficial for destinations and countries. Above 17 goals are closely related to sustainable development because they emphasize on core issues such as sustainable economy, nature, education, climate protection, reduced inequalities etc.
World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC): This is a platform of tourism organizations, industry stakeholders and governments taking sustainable initiatives for tourism and hospitality (World Travel and Tourism Council, 2020). WTTC believes that sustainable tourism initiatives can contribute greatly to economic growth, communities, natural ecosystems, and cultural heritage.

(World Travel and Tourism Council, 2020)
The above diagram shows how WTTC takes initiatives to ensure sustainable tourism, which can have a positive impact on the economy, society, culture, natural harmony and heritage. The organization encourages and guides its members to follow the initiatives. WTTC believes that tour operating companies should encourage tourists to keep the environment clean and safe. They should also engage and train hotels so that they use sustainable forms of resources. WTTC also expresses a stringent position against illegal wildlife and human trafficking.
Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC): GSTC is a non-profit organization which promotes sustainable tourism, as it claims (Global Sustainable Tourism Council, 2020). It promotes sustainable tourism concepts and ideas for hotels, tour operators, travel agencies, and local communities by advising sustainable practices that individual stakeholders should follow. However, it doesn’t have its own sustainable tourism objectives, rather the organization has adopted SDGs outlined by UNWTO (Global Sustainable Tourism Council-1, 2020). Apart from the above, GSTC arranges a number of training programs, certification programs and webinars for sustainable practices in tourism; however, these are not free of cost (Global Sustainable Tourism Council-2, 2020).
It is clear from the above analysis that UNWTO plays the most potential and dominating role in the field of sustainable tourism by outlining profound and sustainable approaches to tourism and hospitality management. In contrast, GSTC has no sustainable goals of its own, rather it has adopted the guidelines of others. It says it is a non-profit organization, but its activities and training programs with payment suggest the opposite.
Importance of sustainable tourism development planning
How to reduce the adverse impact of tourism
A destination compiles tourism development and planning with the aim to make sure that tourism activities are well-managed and they have a positive and responsible impact on the local community and nature (Edgell Sr, 2019). Costa Rica is such a destination which also aims to make its resources attractive to tourists, at the same time, they aim to have a positive impact on the local community. The rationale of such tourism development is embedded with an impact on economics because tourism generates employment, and has a positive impact on the economy.
Tourism planning should be done considering the economic impact, social impact, natural impact, cultural impact etc. Firstly, tourism planning should ensure that the historic building, neighbourhoods, landscapes are protected because they reflect what the destination and its people are about (Camilleri, 2014). Preservation of above-mentioned area will also work as economic advantage for the destination which will attract tourism. For example, landscapes, natural attractions, national parks, and forests are decorated for tourism attractions keeping their authentic landmarks (Costa Rica Vacation, 2020).
Secondly, a tourist destination should ensure that the local authenticity of culture, history, heritage, buildings, landscapes, forests, and supplies are protected and reserved even if they are unpleasant (Musaro, 2014). Such original elements are always great attractions to tourists. The destination should also encourage tourists to experience local supplies. For example, the Costa Rica tourism authority encourages its tourists to use local supplies, and get the experience of the local community, even advising people to no collect shells from trees while visiting forests (Costa Rica Vacation, 2020).
Thirdly, a tourist destination should ensure in their planning that local facilities, transportation, security and order, and food are convenient and compatible with tourists (Nair et al., 2015). Convenience and facilities in the above areas will help tourists to fully enjoy the natural beauty and heritage and local community. As a result, more and more tourists will be attracted to make a visit to that destination. Costa Rica has taken wide range of steps to feel world-tourist feel at home and feel comfortable (PlanetWare Inc., 2020). For example, it builds eco-friendly cottages and resorts, a transportation system, builds parks beside sea beaches etc.
Apart from the above, a destination should also take a wide range of steps, such as should interpret the meaning of a resource or cultural heritage in a convenient manner; must ensure the security and privacy of tourists; establishing an excellent gateway because the first impression is important etc.
How to face challenges and problems in implementing tourism development
Tourism development is an extensive job which involves a wide range of issues such as demand side, supply side, development of tourist attractions etc. This section has outlined some steps which are needed for tourism planning development. A destination from Europe has been selected: Santorini (Greece).
Step 1: Assessing tourism demand and supply
Step 2: Setting objectives
Step 3: Geographic planning
Step 4: Infrastructure planning
Step 5: Financial planning
Step 6: HRM planning
Step 7: Assessing administrative structure
Step 8: Marketing and promotional planning
Step 9: Evaluation of progress in the time-frame
The above 9-stage tourism development plan shows the approaches needed to make in tourism development planning. Though the outline is very brief, it gives an idea of what the stages are about. This section has evaluated the above tourism development planning with application in Santorini.
The first step of analysing demand and supply side of tourism will provide potential insights to Santorini to consider the demand of their offering. It will also help them think about how the location can be made even more attractive.
Stages 3, 4, and 5: setting objectives, territorial planning and infrastructural planning will play the most significant role for Santorini in building a sustainable and responsible tourist destination. It should make tourist policies based on sustainable approaches such as protecting the authenticity of the historic building, preserving natural resources and heritage etc. Territorial or geographic planning also plays a great role in sustainable tourism by guiding the destination to be tourist friendly and attractive. During infrastructure planning, Santorini must be environment friendly by using renewable energy, solar energy and recyclable materials and supplies.
Finally, Santorini can also play an important role in HR planning to ensure sustainable and responsible tourism. It should make comprehensive plans to train employees on how to be sustainable in their jobs.
Costa Rica has adopted a comprehensive plan in terms of tourism planning. This destination has preserved the natural resources which itself tell the history of the location to tourists. This destination has also encouraged tourists not to hamper natural harmony.
Economic, cultural, social and environmental impact on tourism
Tourism activity in Costa Rica has both positive and negative impacts on the destination. The economic, social, cultural and environmental impact of Costa Rica destination has been evaluated below:
The economic impact of Costa Rica: Tourism has enhanced the economic stability of Costa Rica. Tourism is the third-greatest source of Cota Rica’s income source (Cultural survival, 2018). The destination generated revenue of 3.83 billion U.S. dollars in 2017, and the amount of revenue was 2.45$ in 2007, which refers to the outstanding revenue growth of revenue (Statista, 2019). The tourism sector of the destination created so many direct and indirect jobs opportunity. The money brought by travellers makes the economy of Costa Rica stronger. Another positive impact of tourism is infrastructure; the constructed new roads and public services make easier life for every community in the area. People can easily travel from one to another place, and it occurs many business opportunities for the communities of Costa Rica.
Environment impact of Costa Rica: Many people in Costa Rica depend on hunting and mining, who have started rescuing animals and preventing wood extraction after seeing the scope of tourism (The Costa Rica Star, 2020). For instance, people take steps to save sea turtles instead of killing sea turtles and selling their eggs. It refers to a great positive impact on the environment of Costa Rica, but the tourism sector of the area has a negative impact more than a positive impact. Tourists visit the ocean and harm the leatherback turtles of the ocean. Half the monkey population of Costa Rica have gone because of the increasing number of tourists in the forests. Foreigners come to Costa Rica and purchase land to build hotels, resorts, golf grounds and apartment houses; their targeted areas are the islands and beaches of Costa Rica. Because of the hotels, resorts and apartment houses on islands and beaches, the life of the beach animals fall in danger. Even travellers through waste into the sea and it pollutes sea water, and the pollution in Costa Rica increases.
Cultural and social impact of tourism on Costa Rica: Tourists come to Costa Rica from different areas of the world, and they are more interested in the culture of the area that rescues the culture and tradition of Costa Rica. People across the world know about the local culture of Costa Rica, which is a positive impact on tourism. Another positive aspect is many people in the area look for jobs in the city, but they have changed their minds after seeing the development of Costa Rica. Negative impact of tourism is communities can start following the culture of tourists without understanding them properly (Klein, 2011). It destroys the culture of the area because young people get influenced by the dress up and behaviour of tourists and they start to copy the dress-up of tourists. As a result, it causes loss of native customs and traditions. Many people have entered into criminal activities to have money from tourists easily, and it has increased crime activities including anti-social activities which is a loss of moral and religious value in Costa Rica.
Sustainable tourism strategies of Costa Rica
Costa Rica ensures ecotourism through its outstanding eco-friendly steps. The principle of tourism which have made Costa Rica a leader in sustainable tourism and how the initiatives help the destination of meet stakeholders’ requirements are evaluated below:
Use of recycled products: Recycling products refers to green energy consumption because it reduces the amount of energy which is needed to produce products newly, and it increases greenhouse gas emissions through the manufacturing process. Costa Rica uses recycled products for their country and it helped them to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Mihalic, 2016). As a result, stakeholders of Costa Rica’s destination get less polluted air, and it helps them to lead a better and healthy life.
Treatment of waste and proper disposal: Waste makes soil polluted which also creates greenhouse gas emission (Musgrave, and Dávid, 2011). Costa Rica manage their waste properly and use most of the disposal products to control the soil pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emission from soil pollution which makes the destination more eco-friendly (Amazing Costa Rica, 2017). Stakeholders of the destination get less polluted soil and a healthy environment to live and they become satisfied toward the sustainable steps of the destination.
Hormone-free poultry and grass-fed beef in restaurants: Maintaining sustainability in foods help a destination to make the area more environment-friendly and helps people to maintain their health. Costa Rica has started growing vegetables and fruits sustainably, furthermore offering hormone-free poultry and grass-feed beef (Frommer’s Media, 2020). Therefore, stakeholders get healthy foods at the destination with less health impact. They become capable of leading life happily because they have good foods which are sustainably grown, and the foods cause fewer diseases.
Installation of water and energy-saving devices: Costa Rica has installed water and energy saving devices that help them to reduce unnecessary energy and water consumption (Amazing Costa Rica, 2017). Therefore, stakeholders do not face shortage of water as like Cape Town face. Stakeholders remain satisfied with the destination because they get the hope of less polluted water and less greenhouse consumption.
Conservation and extension of Costa Rican forests: Costa has increased its rain forest about 75% than 1987 (Special Place of Costa Rica, 2020). It has a great contribution to making the environment of the destination more eco-friendly. The increased forest help the destination to balance the greenhouse effect. As a result, stakeholders get less polluted air and enjoy less temperature than in another area.
Educating children: The government of Costa Rica ensured education for children about sustainable practices because it will make children aware and they will try to protect the environment (Amazing Costa Rica, 2017). It helps Costa Rica to increase the contribution of children toward saving the environment, and the stakeholders get the safety of future sustainability of the destination because the children will take over the responsibility of the destination in future.
Evolution of sustainable and responsible tourism across the world
The concepts how sustainable tourism has been developed are analysed below:
Identifying climate change: People identified climate change, and it is one of the key reasons that fostered the development of sustainable tourism (Spenceley, 2012). Carbon emissions is growing enormously and it is founded that tourism sector is also causing the carbon emission extremely; therefore sustainable tourism approach has been introduced to reduce carbon emission from the world. Sustainable transportation, retrofitting buildings, use of renewable energy, etcetera are the sustainable approach which is implemented to reduce carbon emission that is caused by tourism. Azores have achieved reward for their sustainable steps, such as: using renewable energy, controlling water consumption and other steps (Green Matters, 2020). Sustainable approaches of the destination have made them capable of attracting so many tourists across the world.
To protect the properties of a country or city: Sustainable tourism is developed to protect a country’s properties (Goodwin, 2011). For instance, waste pollutes the soil and water of a country and causes greenhouse gas effects; therefore waste management, controlling water consumption etcetera, sustainable steps can save the environment of a country. Palau’s economy is greatly dependent on the tourism sector; therefore the country developed sustainable tourism to protect the environment of the country (Green Matters, 2020).
Travellers’ demand to go on environment-friendly trips: Travellers across the world want environment-friendly trips, and the amount of travellers is 40% (Lookout Pro, 2018). Demand for travellers is the other key factor that has driven the development of sustainable tourism. By being sustainable service providers, countries are able to get more travellers from outside of the country, which makes the country economically strong. Costa Rica has developed a sustainable tourism sector to get more travellers, and the tourism sector is the third income source of the country. Costa Rica’s electricity comes from renewable sources that is one of the best sustainable step (Green Matters, 2020). The sustainable initiatives implemented by the country have made them capable of generating higher revenue through the tourism sector.
Responsible and sustainable tourism has become a popular concept to ensure that tourism has positive impact on nature, the economy and the local community. As a result tourist destinations around the world have taken a wide range of strategies to include sustainable and responsible elements of tourism in their tourism planning. UNWTO plays the most important role in promoting sustainable tourism among destinations and related stakeholders. Tourism development planning aims to develop a tourist spot, at the same time it helps a destination to be sustainable. Tourism has a significant impact on the economy, society, culture and environment in respective areas. Sustainable approaches of tourism help to reduce the negative impact of tourism.
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