The nature of employee relations


Employee relation refers to the exertions an organization does to accomplish good relationship between employers and employee (Buller, and McEvoy, 2012). It helps an organization to maintain positive relationship with their employees that drives the loyalty of employees toward their organization. Employees become more engaged in their work when they have constructive relation with their employers. The performers of employee relation are employers, government, shareholders, employee etcetera and employee is one of the significant performer among them. This report investigates the nature of employee relations.

Nature of Employee Relation

Employee relation indicates the relation between employer and employees in a workplace and the relation can be both formal and informal. Basically the relationship builds up among co-workers, among any one in an organization, among employees and their superiors and among the members of management (Boxall, and Purcell, 2011). All segments of human resource management which handles employees directly or indirectly are involved with employee relation. When employees have good relationship with all in an organization, it motivates them to give their best performance because they needs support and guidance to prove themselves. Trade union is the association that struggles for the betterment of employees and protects their rights furthermore represents employees’ interest toward the primary parties on an organization. The nature of employee relation is the alliance of primary parties who gives payment for efforts and who gives the effort to the primary parties, obtain money (Jiang, Lepak, and Baer, 2012).

Employee relation helps to build up good understanding and sense of collaboration among employees, employer and the parties of an organization. Good relation of employee and boss helps to build a positive atmosphere in workplace. It helps to prevent different type of conflicts among all in the organization and a valued strength.

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Hypothetical Viewpoints of Employee Relation

There are three viewpoints of employee relation such as: pluralism perspective, unitarism perspective and radical/ critical school perspective (Cascio, 2015). Three perspectives of employee relation are analysed below:

Pluralism perspective

Pluralism perspective has two major sub-groups such as: trade union and management. Trade union is that association which preserves the rights and interests of employees. Management is concerned about implementing, monitoring, inspiring and directing. Two of this groups work together therefore pluralism perspective is the most appropriate perspective that organizations can adopt to maintain employee relation.

Unitary perspective

It refers to the conception in which everyone works happily in an organization as if they were family members (Jiang et al., 2012). In Unitary perspective, management and all employees work cooperatively by sharing same goal and vision. It should be applied by organization to maintain the sense of cooperation because when everyone will work cooperatively and happily it will bring outstanding income.

Radical or Critical perspective

Radical perspective perceives the disparities of power and economic wealth and its nature is capitalist economic system (Purce, 2014). It should not be applied in organizations because it create difference among all and supports capitalist economic system. It can make the lower level employees annoyed because employees of higher level dominate them badly.

Responsibilities of different Performers in Employee Relationship

The performers of employment relationship are managers, employees, government, the labour law committee and the organization itself (Scullion, and Collings, 2011). All of them plays different roles in employment relationship and their roles has been evaluated below:

nature of employee relations


The Nature of employee relations


Managers are the persons who recruit employees, give them work and payment furthermore they influences employee relationship greatly (Briscoe, Tarique, and Schuler, 2012). Employees get annoyed on the behaviour of managers if they behave like a dominator. As a result, conflicts will take place between the managers and employees. To prevent these types of situation managers have to keep justifiable police.


The most important performers of employee relationship is employees and they have to maintain all the instructions and restrictions of their organization (Renwick, D.W., Redman, and Maguire, 2013). When they have problems, they can have discussion with the management to present their problems. It will help to build constructive relation and prevent strikes and conflicts.


Owners take important decisions of an organization therefore they should consider the interest of employees while taking the decisions (Moutinho, and Vargas-Sanchez, 2018). If the take any decision that harms the interest of employees it will harm their relation.

The Organization Itself

Every organizations have to consider employees interest at time of making its policies and laws. Fair policies and laws can maintain employees’ satisfaction that will make employees more humble to their organization (Kang, and Snell, 2009).


Government also have impact on employee relationship through making banking, financial, income and wage policies (Jackson et al., 2011). Being great influencer in employee relation, they should make justifiable policies for employees.

Labour Low Committee:

Role of this influencer is to prevent conflicts between employees and management therefore they have to find out effective ways to solve the clashes (Jabbour, and Santos, 2008).

Changing Nature of Employee Relations

Employee relation is changing day-by-day for the reason of progress in economy and advancement of societal position (DeCenzo, Robbins, and Verhulst, 2016). The changing nature of employee relationship is different in different countries therefore great flexibility has come to the nature.

Lawful Obligation

All over the world including UK has brought a new feature in employee relationship that is lawful obligation (Storey, 2014). Lawful obligation is fulfilled by organizations even more than the law. It brings various possibilities and opportunities of employees’ welfare.

Right of employees

In different countries and London, there are some organizations where the boss and employees can take decision for themselves through having discussion with one another (Storey, 2014). In this approach, organizations give the right to the employers and employees to take decision or their benefit.

Collective bargaining

Collective bargaining is also seen in many organization in which, trade union negotiate to protect the interests of workers as like as fair payment on behalf of workers with companies (Dowling, 2008). This approach consumes less time in their procedure.

Rules that protects employees’ interest

All-encompassing rules bring many facilities for workers because it is concerned with the work duration, health issues, security, leaves, impartiality and some more issues (Dowling, 2008). All these are related to the betterment of workers.

How to make employee relations effective and friendly

Firstly, organizations should have policy of taking opinion from workers while making any important decision and consider the decision. It will feel workers valued and makes them happy by making employees feel that they are important assets for the company.

Secondly, organizations should permit employees to get united with trade union because it bring out the opinion of workers and pass to the management. When workers will have the chance to get express their feeling with trade union about their problems, it will help an organization to develop employee relation by creating workers’ satisfaction.

Thirdly, workers should get the chance to participate in all meetings and it will make them feel more valued. This emotion of workers will make them happy and builds constructive employee relation. Besides this, workers will get the chance to meet everyone through the meeting that will influence the relationship positively.

Fourthly, organizations should have the policy of fair payment for workers because when they will not get enough payment, it will make them annoyed toward their organization. As a result, employee relation will get hampered.

Finally, workers should be provided with all the facilities they deserve such as: paternal leave, maternal leave, urgent leave, health and security etcetera which will make them highly satisfied and workers will become more loyal.


Employee relation is an important component within an organization and it has the potentiality to drive the success of the organization. Organizations should have the policies that will maintain employee relation to keep employee highly motivated therefore the goals of the organization will be attained.


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    Strategic Management of Human Resources - George Business Review
    February 11, 2022

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