Tourism strategies for Broadstairs coastal area


Tourism strategies for Broadstairs coastal area will be evaluated in this report to increase travellers in the area.

Vision Statement                         

The tourism industry of Broadstairs coastal wants to increase the number of travellers in their area in order to enhance the economy of their area.

Mission Statement

The tourism industry of Broadstairs coastal area wants to attract more travellers to their area. They want to enhance the beauty of the coastal areas of Broadstairs and make it less expensive in order to get more travellers. The tourism industry of the area will work to reduce the pollution from seawater to make the coastal areas tourist friendly and develop the retail services according to modern retail services to get more travellers.

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Strategies to attract more travellers to Broadstairs coastal

Strategies to attract more travellers in the coastal areas of Broadstairs are demonstrated below:

Make the coastal areas of Broadstairs less expensive and develop the area: In recent times, travellers have travelled more to abroad beaches of European nations because of the lower rate of flights (Ellis, and Bosworth, 2015). To attract these abroad-going travellers, the tourism industry of Broadstairs will make the area less expensive for travellers. By being less expensive, it will be able to attract travellers who visit beaches abroad after getting lower prices. The tourism industry will work to develop the coastal areas of Broadstairs by developing transport facilities communications facilities and enhancing the beauty of the areas to get more customers in the area. When people of the UK see that their own country has the most beautiful beaches, they will not visit abroad, and the number of tourists in Broadstairs will increase.

Tourism Strategies for Broadstairs Coastal Area-Broadstairs Coastal Area

Develop local retail businesses according to the modern retail industry: The local retail businesses of Broadstairs are not updated like modern retail businesses therefore travellers face problems in that area (Page et al., 2017). It is the other key reason for decreasing number of tourists in the areas. The tourism industry of the Broadstairs’ coastal areas will take necessary steps to develop the retailers of the area. Retailers will be encouraged to modernize their business with updated services such as online delivery, weekend opening hours etcetera. Travellers of the area will be attracted toward the coastal areas when they see that the retailers have developed themselves and the shops are open in weekend hours.

Increase awareness among local people and current travellers to reduce water pollution: Sea water of Broadstairs coastal areas has become polluted greatly because of the incognizance of local people and existing travellers (Blancas et al., 2011). They throw plastic packets of chips, ice creams and other foods, plastic bottles of cocks and juices into the seawater, even on the sea beach. Therefore, the seawater and sea beach gets polluted and also spoil the natural beauty of the sea beach. The tourism industry of the country will take steps to clean the sea beach and make people aware of throwing waste. It will help them to enhance the beauty of Broadstairs coastal areas and reduce environmental pollution. As a result, the area will get more travellers than before.

Develop marketing strategies to promote the area more: Most of people in the UK are not aware of the natural beauty of the coastal areas of Broadstairs, which is one of the key reasons for fewer travellers in the area (Raj, and Griffin, 2015). The tourism industry should make effective marketing strategies to promote the natural beauty and tourist spots of the areas. Digital marketing will play an outstanding role to attract many people to the place because most the people use the internet. Social media will be effective media to stay connected with travellers. It will reduce the promotion cost also therefore, digital marketing will be more appropriate for the promotion than traditional marketing.

The implementation process of visions and objectives

How the visions and objectives of the tourism industry of the coastal area of Broadstairs will be implemented are evaluated below:

The area will be developed, and costs of hotels, resorts and transport will be reduced: The tourism industry of the area will inform the local government and beach authorities to inform the need to develop the area. By showing the reason for having fewer travellers, the industry will encourage local government to develop the roads and telecommunication of the area. By encouraging local government, the tourism industry will ensure the development of the coastal area to attract more travellers. The industry will make sure that the authorities of hotels, resorts and transport committees reduce their costs in order to attract more customers. If the cost of hotels, resorts, and transport reduce, a huge number of travellers will come to the coastal area of Broadstairs.

All support will be provided to local retailers to help them modernize their services: The tourism industry will communicate with the local retail businesses to help them in modernizing. The tourism industry will inform the proprietors of retail businesses about the effectiveness of modernizing their businesses. They will arrange training on eCommerce and internet-based topics to help retailers learn how to use eCommerce and start online delivery services. The tourism industry will provide consultancy services to retailers to make their modernization successful. The Tourism industry will encourage SME corporations to provide loan facilities to the retailers otherwise, retailers will not be able to modernize their services.

Awareness programs will be implemented to reduce pollution: The tourism industry will make leaflets on the awareness programs that will help to reduce pollution. On sea beaches, there will be an awareness board that will instruct people to throw waste in specific areas or dustbins. They will keep dustbins on sea beaches to reduce wastage throw in the sea and sea beach. The industry will work with the resort and hotel authorities to make people care. Even they will conduct social media campaigns on the factor of saving sea and sea beaches from pollution. It will help the tourism industry to attract a concentration of people easily, and people will be careful while throwing waste.

The tourism industry of Broadstairs will conduct new marketing activities to promote its coastal areas: The tourism industry of the country will focus on digital marketing to promote the coastal areas. They will post pictures and videos of the coastal area on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube etcetera. All these social media will help the industry stay connected with local and international travellers. The offers of the hotels, resorts and transportation facilities will be posted on these media to attract travellers to the area. The hotels, resorts and authorities of the areas will do this digital marketing regularly to promote therefore, people of across the world and London will come to visit the places. Therefore, the mission and objectives will be fulfilled.

Benefits of identified strategies for Broadstairs socially and economically:

The benefits of the identified strategies are analysed below:

Economic benefits:

Will bring foreign currency: Because of the new marketing strategies, Broadstairs will be capable of attracting foreign customers more than before. The foreigners will see pictures and videos of the coastal areas on the internet and will come to visit the area. Therefore, the area will have foreign currencies that will help the area to become economically strong.

Will reduce unemployment rate: With the strategies, Broadstairs will be developed, and hotels, resorts, restaurants and amusement parks will grow in the area, which will create huge work opportunities for people of the area. Therefore, the people of the area will be employed, and it will also contribute to the economy of the area by making people financially stable. By getting more work opportunities, residents of the area will lead a better life.

Retail business will gain outstanding growth: The strategy of modernizing retailers in the area will help them to gain outstanding growth. Travellers will come to the area and will get better service than before, will purchase the products they need, and will help the businesses to generate higher profits. Therefore, the financial ability of local retailers will also grow.

Social benefits:

Cultural diversity will be welcomed: When more travellers of different culture will come to visit Broadstairs’ coastal areas’ it will inform travellers about the culture of the areas. Even residents of the area will get a chance to also know about the culture of the travellers. It will help both travellers and residents to raise their minds to welcome cultural diversity. It will encourage local people to accept travellers from other cultures, and both parties enhance their knowledge by knowing one another’s culture.

Development of the area makes residents’ life better: The strategies will encourage the local government to develop the area. Transport facilities and communication facilities will also be developed therefore residents of Broadstairs’ coastal area will be able to visit other cities easily. It will help them to lead a better life. Even local people will be able to enhance their income by going to other cities for work which will be made easy with the development of transportation advancement.

The tourism industry will ensure security that will make residents and travellers feel secure: By increasing the security of Broadstairs coastal areas, the tourism industry will be able to make travellers feel safe within the area. Even residents of the area will also feel safe while going out.


The tourism sector plays an outstanding role in making the economic condition better of a country or destination. It is a great source of bringing foreign currency and creating job opportunities. An area gets developed because of the advancement of the tourism sector, which makes the residents’ lives better. The tourism sector also helps small businesses to grow, and people of the area lead a standard life. To attain outstanding economic growth through tourism, destination countries have to do effective strategic tourism planning. It will increase the possibility of success in the tourism sector. Therefore, Broadstairs should adopt effective strategic tourism planning to attract more travellers to their coastal areas and enhance the economy of the area. Digital marketing will help the area to attract the desired number of tourists in their area and earn profit. The area has to make people care about reducing sea pollution to make the environment better and satisfy the travellers who like clean and pollution-free sea beaches.


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